Since you’ve been gone, we’ve been singing on Zoom, out in a field, on football terraces, in a draughty corridor and finally in the comfort of Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh, where we are excited to sing to you again on Saturday 28th May!
World AIDS Day
Loud & Proud really appreciated being asked to perform Lady of Autumn for World AIDS Day 2021 which was screened at St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh auspices of Waverly Care.
Spring Affair: a Virtual Choir Festival
Loud & Proud have had lots of fun rehearsing with choirs from Munich and Kiev for this online spring concert. You can hear us at 26:35 into the performance. We’re very excited to be taking part.
The EMU Choral Meet-Up: Three cities, three choirs, one web
World AIDS Day 2020
Every year since the 1980s when the AIDS epidemic was at its height, on 1 December, we have commemorated those who didn’t survive and those who of us who did. For the first time, there won’t be a service because of the pandemic. And Loud & Proud would have been there. Nevertheless, Waverley Care, Scotland’s HIV/AIDS charity still has a job to do and still needs your support. Please consider donating to them using the button on their World AIDS Day page.